Friday, January 25, 2013

DAY 19

19 days under your (potentially looser) belt. Way to go!!!!

As you have probaly been able to tell, your third week is all about adapting. Your body is truly beginning to function in a different way. It’s starting to rely on stored fat for energy instead of sugars.

But let's be honest here.  But maybe, just’re starting to get a little bored with your food choices. It’s OK to rely on a few standbys to get you through, but it’s time to kick up your heels and explore some new foods and new flavors!

Finally, a word of support and encouragement.  The box might be buzzing with stories of loose clothing and off-the-charts energy. I hope you experience those positive side effects this coming week. But remember, for some people, it takes just a little longer than others, so patience, grasshopper!
After 20, 30, 40 years( yes I am one of the 40 yearers...) of less than optimal food choices, you can’t really expect all your dreams to come true after just 19 days.
So even if you’re not experiencing as much “magic” as your buddies, keep on task!! Ask for help from your family, your friends, and your fellow crossfitters at the box. We want you to be the BEST YOU! 

Stick to your plan and acknowledge all the positive things you’re doing for your body and mind by eating clean  food in the right amounts. And…
Have a great Day 19!

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