Thursday, January 31, 2013

Nutrition Q & A

I came across this article about nutriton on Crossfit Impulse that answers questions like:

What should I eat?
My husband/wife will never go for this.  What should I do? 
What should I eat before a workout?

The article covers 11 different areas.  It answers the basic beginning questions and progressively more difficult ones like how to take it to the next level.  The article is a long one, but worth at least checking out the different headings you might have questions about.  Happy reading and eating!

1. What should I eat?

When transitioning from a typical American diet to a healthy diet, which should never be mistaken for the same thing, we recommend a two-step process. First, transition to eating only quality foods that our bodies are made to eat. This is the tough part for most people because it involves eliminating (or at least drastically reducing) grains, bread, and other refined and processed carbohydrates. Shop the perimeter of the grocery store for lean meats, fruits and vegetables, nuts, and seeds. This article on basic nutrition will explain everything clearly. You’ll often see this referred to as eating “clean” or eating “Paleo.” Eating Paleo technically means you follow the Paleo diet, which eschews legumes, dairy, grains, and salt completely. We don’t recommend you worry about completely eliminating all of those foods at first, but you’ll need to know the terminology.

click here to keep reading

1 comment:

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