Wednesday, January 9, 2013


You have successfully made it to day four! Congrats!  How is everyone feeling?  Have you noticed any postive changes?  Are you getting the hang of your new healthy lifestyle? Have you set good, smart goals?  I hope the answer to those questions is an overhwelming yes!  I love this time of year; 2012 is a thing of the past.  We remember the good, hopefully learn from the bad and move on with a fresh start.   You can do and be anything you want this year.  The past is just that, the past.  Leave it behind.  I know I am.  We would love to hear your goals and how things are going for you thus far.   I will be the first and share the goals I have made so far. 
1- Get my baby sleeping before 3am so I can function like a real human being again!
2- Eat clean for 50 days.  (Oh how I miss you already sweet, delicious cookies!)
3- For the month of January I will row 1000m at least 3 times a week with 50 burpees.  (Gotta get my lungs back and begin to have a love/hate relationship with the rower instead of just loathing that thing!)
4- By the end of January I will be able to to string together 10 toe 2 bar.

Alright if you haven't already written down goals it is time to get going!   Ready set go!


Unknown said...

I've gotta write them down today! Thx for the reminder!

Unknown said...

I'd love to hear some of them!

Curtis Roberts said...

Doing this challenge was one of my goals. Thanks to my amazing wife, we have modified our eating habits. As far as other goals - 1) Lose 20 lbs (I don't have a time frame but the modified eating habits have helped, 2)don't call this a diet (modified eating habit), 3)NO diet colas (this is killing me!) and 4)improve my core strength (extra sit-ups each time at the box). Thanks for the encouragement!